The Reform Congregation of Kalamazoo

Building Our Future
Temple B’nai Israel has been the home of Reform Judaism for greater Kalamazoo for more than 150 years. We are a strong and thriving congregation, running counter to national trends.
Our congregation fosters a community that provides engaging learning experiences for all ages, that embraces interfaith families, and informs our members about Jewish perspectives on social issues. We strive to create a love of learning and to spark a passion for social justice.
Our rich history has been marked by outstanding community leadership, strong support from our vibrant congregation, and a shared commitment to make a lasting difference in our community.
As we look back on our achievements of the past 150+ years, we also look ahead to our shared future.
We recognize that to maintain outstanding rabbinical leadership, foster innovative educational and social justice programming, and provide audacious hospitality, we must strengthen our resources – both for today and for the next 150 years.
Our Building for our Future campaign has two goals.
Build the fund to $1,000,000
Participation of 100% of the Temple membership.
A strong endowment will provide more opportunities to enhance learning and foster dynamic experiences for all of our members, building a Jewish community both inside our walls and throughout the region. We hope you consider making a gift to secure and strengthen Temple B’nai Israel’s future.
You can support this effort in a variety of ways with current and/or planned gifts.
Current Gifts include the following:
Cash: A donor may support the campaign with a gift or pledge of cash; pledges are payable over a period of up to five years.
Gifts of Securities/Donor Advised Funds: Giving publicly traded appreciated securities offer donors tax advantages. Not only can the donor deduct the full fair market value of the security; the donor can also avoid capital gains tax on the appreciation.
Planned Gifts include the following:
Bequests: A donor may name TBI as a beneficiary of his or her will, either with a designated amount, a percentage, or as a recipient of funds after other beneficiaries have received their bequests. (Horizon Circle)
Gifts of Life Insurance: Donors may support TBI through a gift of life insurance. They may either purchase a policy or give a policy they already own. If a donor makes TBI the owner and beneficiary of the policy, the gift is tax-deductible.
Gifts from Retirement Plans: Donors of any age can make a deferred gift of an IRA or other retirement accounts by naming TBI as a beneficiary of the account at their death.
Charitable Trusts: A variety of trust arrangements are available that offer income and/or estate tax benefits to the donor.
The TBI Endowment Fund is held and managed at Fidelity Investments. The Board has selected and will monitor, at an appropriate level, the investment managers.
To speak with one of our Building for our Future leaders, please call (269) 342-9170